Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tea for two

As I've been on this journey of finding what works and what doesn't work in keeping my reflux in check, and that I committed to a low acid diet for a while to see if that did the trick (so far it has not! - bummer!) -- I looked to my warm beverage options for comfort.  I used to relish my morning cup of coffee ... even the half caf/half decaf one -- it was DELICIOUS.  The smell, the milk creating just the right color ...  My body gets all woozy and sentimental as I have the sense memory!!  But, in order to pursue what was best for my body during my quest (Why am I hearing The Impossible Dream in my head and thinking of Don Quijote?!) I gave up this delicious nectar of the gods -- and Starbucks -- and went to tea.

I got many types of tea and actually really started to enjoy it.  Black, green, red, ones with weird, hard to pronounce names, all SORTS of teas.  I even have a fancy box, like you might see at a restaurant, with an assortment of bags displayed so beautifully -- now, for the enjoyment of guests alone, at least for the time being, as these too became enemies of my esophagus -- so I gave them up for a lighter fare.

I switched to herbal teas.  I have to say, it really is funny when you go to a restaurant and ask for herbal tea ... they usually suggest a green tea.  That's not herbal -- but I don't get all smarty pants in front of them, I just ask for what else they might have.  Peppermint -- nope, can't do that ... lemon zinger ... thinking that's not gonna fly ... chamomile ... boring, but ah well, I'll give it a shot!

So I became a chamomile tea connoisseur -- well, maybe not a connoisseur, but enthusiast.  I found some really tasty ones!  I know, who knew there were some tasty ones out there??!!  So those boxes started to fill my cabinet along with any licorice or fennel teas.  (who knew I'd like fennel tea??!)  So along I went, enjoy and sharing my discoveries with friends.

Then started noticing  an "interesting" sensation for a few days and I thought, what the heck is this?  A "progression" with my reflux?  It felt like a sort of cold, "vibrating" feeling in my throat and esophagus.  I didn't wake up with this feeling but it would come on after I ate.  It didn't feel like the way I'd experienced reflux, but I didn't know what to make of it.  So ... as I was sitting with some colleagues, sipping some lovely, newly acquired joy, chamomile tea, a friend mentioned that he has to stay away from chamomile tea since he's allergic to ragweed.  He, too, is a singer.  I realized, as I looked at my lovely cup of chamomile tea that perhaps it was the culprit -- and that I too, who am allergic to ragweed, was having an allergic reaction to the tea.  Are you KIDDING me??  I have to give up friggin' chamomile tea ... and that is considered a LOSS????

Well, I'm hear to tell you, I did stop drinking it and that sensation has stopped.  SO maybe that's happening with some of you who are reading and are thinking it's your reflux acting up.  Give it a shot.

I'm now falling in love with my licorice tea!    And so it goes!


  1. Be careful of the licorise as that can cause problems too. I was told by my gastro to stay away from it. Lucky for me I don't like it.

    1. I'm glad you were able to pinpoint chamomile as a culprit. Wanted to let youknow that I went to Westerly and they recommended Acid Soothe by Enzymedica...an enzyme-based supplement. Will report in later...

    2. Thanks for that, Jonathan! Do let us know how Acid Soothe works for you!! We'll all be interested to hear!

    3. Mary, I'm just seeing your comment as well ... yes, I don't care for licorice either and have heard conflicting things about it. Some swear by it -- eating a piece or two of candy after a meal and no problems. I have heard that it can raise blood pressure though, not certain about that ... but be sure to check all these things out prior to trying it!
