Thursday, March 21, 2013

Digestive Enzymes ... what?

Prior to dealing with my reflux issue, I'd never heard of "digestive enzymes".  Apparently these are enzymes one produces while digesting food.  One can also take digestive enzymes when they need to help the body assimilate and digest the food we take in, working on the theory that one of the main causes of reflux is that our food is sitting around too long and not digesting properly and consequently refluxing up into the esophagus.  Gross, right?  But that's one of the reasons reflux happens and digestive enzymes are there to help with this issue.

I've been reading many different sites and testimonials about different enzymes and how they helped someone so that they can eat what they like and don't have to worry about reflux again.  Sign me up!  That's what I'm going for.  The quest though, is what is exactly right for MY or YOUR body.  What's going on with each of us, and why we have reflux is very particular to each person, so that's why there are many different ways of approaching a cure.

To be sure, trying a low acid diet is the first place to start -- which means, no caffeine, alcohol, citrus, chocolate, fried foods, soda, spicy food and mint.  Also, it's important to keep high fat foods out of the equation as well.  I've been doing this diet for 5 weeks now, and haven't really seen a huge improvement ... but I don't doubt that it is a good way to eat to help our bodies not produce the extra acid and resulting reflux.   If this diet by itself doesn't help, perhaps digestive enzymes, might be the way to go for you (in addition to the low acid diet).  This is why I'm on the search for the formulation that works best for what's going on with my body.

I've read how papaya enzymes helped many people, chewed up prior to a meal, voila ... done with reflux, same with ACV, same with other particular brands of digestive enzymes and probiotics.  There's a lot of information about all these different forms of digestion helpers out there to help our bodies work more efficiently.  So which ones will be the trick for you?  I really have no idea ... but what I do know, is that we have to keep trying different treatments to see what will work for our individual bodies --  Always listening to our bodies to see what it's liking and what it's not.

Hmmm ... is this what the whole reflux thing is about?  Our neglected bodies asking to be heard?  Perhaps.  I'm listening ... are you?

We'll be revisiting this subject as I do my experiments ... please feel free to share yours too!!

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