Wednesday, March 6, 2013

And so it begins!

Well, here we go ... on a journey to a healthy, reflux-free life!  But how to get there ... ah, there is the rub!  I figured I wasn't the only one out there/here seeking this reflux-free life, so I thought, why not share my experiences, thoughts, whatevers regarding my process to healing and see if I could possibly help someone else on my quest as well as maybe getting insights and ideas from others who may have had success achieving this (at this point elusive) reflux-free life that I am seeking.

Some background ... I, like many I know, have been taking prescription medications for my reflux for a long time now, and just recently am realizing, those medications weren't initially intended for longterm use.  Imagine my surprise!  So I took myself off of them and am now trying to do this holistically.  Sadly, I still needed a little help, so I am taking some OTC meds to help for the time being.  My goal is to get off of them ALL!

I've heard comments such as, as long as you continue to be a singer (I'm also a singer!), you'll continue to have this problem.  I don't believe this, as there are many singers who DON'T have the problem ... so there's something that's not working as it should in my body and I want to figure out what that is and allow it to heal!

It should also be noted that I'm not overweight.  In fact, I'm a little under due to all the things I am staying away from in order to facilitate my healing!

In addition -- I am not a doctor and am not pretending to be one.  One thing I HAVE learned on this journey is that everyone's reason for having reflux is unique unto them, so no "one cure heals all" really seems to work.  It's about finding out what's going on with each one of us that we'll ultimately find the answer to the healing we're seeking.

SO -- what have I been doing.  SO many things -- but today I'll mention what I'm currently trying ... a low acid diet from a book that's been published by doctors who deal with this condition.  I'm in week 3 and am not really feeling the love!  I will admit to ordering what seemed benign steamed veggie dumplings last night that, much to my surprise, were REALLY spicy!  What?!  When are veggie dumplings spicy? (and I wasn't even at a Chinese place -- so no sichuan thing going on) Oy!  In pain from that!  So back to the plan .... and whatever else I learn along the way!


  1. Those dumplings WERE spicy, girl!! We should stick to what we know and love at our place and never explore - LOL!!!

    1. EXACTLY!! I like exploring, but not when I get a surprise like THAT -- whew!!

  2. Well, I Want to Thank You (from the bottom of my heart) for sharing this Journey with all of us. And many congratulations on casting your net into the Deeper Waters of the blogosphere! You Get What You Give, so I'm confident that you will find your holistic cure, thanks both to your efforts and to your Guardian Stars.

  3. Thanks, John! Maybe we'll find some Clouds in the Sky too!
