Sunday, March 10, 2013

Muscle Testing

Has anyone heard of this ... muscle testing?  I believe in it's beginning stage it is referred to as "applied kinesiology".  Apparently along the way, people have found ways to "improve" on the initial discovery and have been translating what our bodies are saying to us.  I do wish my body would be more specific!  That being said, I've had this muscle testing done and find it fascinating.

What you do is lie on a table and a practitioner pushes against your arm which is perpendicular to your body and you're supposed to resist, but not "recruit" -- meaning use any other muscles except those in your arm (or leg).  The practitioner then pushes on different points on your body to see which part/s is/are needing some help.  Then she puts these different vials on you and goes through the same pressure points and pushes on your arm, to see what you're sensitive to and what your body is asking you to stay away from, etc.  From there she finds the corresponding herbal concoction that would help heal you from what your body is saying (in pill form), tests you again and then doses you.  This is a VERY simplified description of what this is all about, but it gets the point across.

It's really a fascinating science, as your body is VERY clear as to what it wants and doesn't want.  It's funny too, as you'd think the practitioner is pushing with ALL their might some times, (when your arm falls and is able to be moved) and other times like she's not pushing at all.  I asked my practitioner about this very thing and she showed me how hard she was pushing always.  WILD!

I do this in addition to acupuncture, which I have found helpful for all sorts of things, including my reflux.  Since my practitioner is also my friend, we chat during my sessions.  Undoubtedly something will come up that's really funny, but I can't laugh  as that just KILLS when the needles are in my stomach... but it's really stimulating the points, so the optimist in me tries to look at the up side.  Plus, I get a good giggle in with my pal.  That being said ... take it as a warning too ... cuz it does get a person's attention!!

I'd be curious if anyone else out there has tried these modalities and if you've had luck or not so much with them.  

1 comment:

  1. I did this when I was living in Dallas and kinda felt ripped off. I'm sure if you have the right person it works well, but in my case, the doctor wasn't perhaps the most honest. They put something like water in my hand and I would resist easily, but when they put something like pollen in my hand, I would have "little resistance." So I asked if I could see the bottle first before I did the test, to get an idea of what I would be weak to, and she said, "What would be the point of that?" Then I said, "Well, howzabout-this? You pick out the bottle without seeing the label, so we BOTH don't know how I might react. You know like a double-blind test. Then I won't be influenced to resist more and YOU won't be influenced to adjust the strength of your pull." And she just stared at me like I was speaking a foreign language. Then she stuttered and said that it doesn't make sense and that she should know what the item is before she places it in my hand. She seemed very flustered and didn't know what to say. I hope I didn't offend her, but c'mon, let's be as real as possible here... Needless to say, I did not continue with that particular treatment or doctor. I've since been wary of NAET and haven't met anyone that has experienced it. UNTIL TODAY \(^.^)/
