Friday, March 8, 2013

Ramada In ... Ramada Out

Before I get started on today's topic, I want to say how very moved I am by the emails I'm getting.  Thank you for your support!  I'm also realizing what an epidemic this reflux thing has become ... what's up with that?  I'm really hoping we all can find a way to full and complete healing and living a lifestyle that supports our healing and health. Which brings me to what I want to talk about today ... BREATHING.

I've been reading SO much material on this subject of reflux and of course the mind/body consciousness/connectedness comes in to play with this as well. (I'll talk more about this in upcoming posts)  One book mentions eating slowly, really chewing your food completely, and of course, not overeating.  It also mentions sitting up straight when we eat.  Sounds obvious, but I have to admit, I don't always do that and this made me much more mindful of doing just that.  What I have found in addition to doing these two things is the importance of breath -- of taking a good, full, deep breath.

It's amazing to me how much I hold my breath -- or breathe shallowly.  I don't when I'm singing ... I CAN'T while I'm singing and still get more than a few notes out ... so this has made me aware of the importance of the most obvious function we all do all day long ... breathe.  I've found when I take a deep, full breath that opens up my entire chest and abdominal area, I not only feel calmer, I feel some relief from the reflux.  I have to believe that there's a connection between these things.  It's the release of all those muscles, particularly in my abdomen, where I'm unconsciously holding.   Looks good in pix, but might not be the best thing for the digestion!  So release and see what else you might be able to let go of as well!   Just a thought ...  and BREATHE!!

 (Please feel free to leave a comment, that way, we can ALL share in your brilliant insights and what you've tried and learned)

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