Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well, I've been trying the digestive enzymes along with my low acid diet.  Even went off the OTC meds to see where I was.  Did well for a few days and was really impressed with Acid Soothe.  It did well if I remembered to take it right after a meal, but if I didn't ... not so great.  So today I tried the ACV thing again ... and daggone it, I guess I'm just not ready for it, or something, cuz I'm not doing great with it.  This is really a perfect illustration of how different we all are and that our bodies need different things to kick this reflux issue.  I believe I can ... but I'm not there  .... YET.  I'll go back to not doing the ACV for the time being ... but I'm sure many have found great help and healing using it.  Everything I've read about it seems to make it great for almost anything that ails you!

So back to the quest.

Next up on the block ... aloe vera juice ... some swear by it ... do you?  Tell me about it and which brand you use!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Digestive Enzymes ... what?

Prior to dealing with my reflux issue, I'd never heard of "digestive enzymes".  Apparently these are enzymes one produces while digesting food.  One can also take digestive enzymes when they need to help the body assimilate and digest the food we take in, working on the theory that one of the main causes of reflux is that our food is sitting around too long and not digesting properly and consequently refluxing up into the esophagus.  Gross, right?  But that's one of the reasons reflux happens and digestive enzymes are there to help with this issue.

I've been reading many different sites and testimonials about different enzymes and how they helped someone so that they can eat what they like and don't have to worry about reflux again.  Sign me up!  That's what I'm going for.  The quest though, is what is exactly right for MY or YOUR body.  What's going on with each of us, and why we have reflux is very particular to each person, so that's why there are many different ways of approaching a cure.

To be sure, trying a low acid diet is the first place to start -- which means, no caffeine, alcohol, citrus, chocolate, fried foods, soda, spicy food and mint.  Also, it's important to keep high fat foods out of the equation as well.  I've been doing this diet for 5 weeks now, and haven't really seen a huge improvement ... but I don't doubt that it is a good way to eat to help our bodies not produce the extra acid and resulting reflux.   If this diet by itself doesn't help, perhaps digestive enzymes, might be the way to go for you (in addition to the low acid diet).  This is why I'm on the search for the formulation that works best for what's going on with my body.

I've read how papaya enzymes helped many people, chewed up prior to a meal, voila ... done with reflux, same with ACV, same with other particular brands of digestive enzymes and probiotics.  There's a lot of information about all these different forms of digestion helpers out there to help our bodies work more efficiently.  So which ones will be the trick for you?  I really have no idea ... but what I do know, is that we have to keep trying different treatments to see what will work for our individual bodies --  Always listening to our bodies to see what it's liking and what it's not.

Hmmm ... is this what the whole reflux thing is about?  Our neglected bodies asking to be heard?  Perhaps.  I'm listening ... are you?

We'll be revisiting this subject as I do my experiments ... please feel free to share yours too!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Think System

 While I know I will be waxing poetic about digestive enzymes in my next blog -- (who knew digestive enzymes could be poetic??)   -- but today I want to go back to the mind/body connection.  I feel very strongly that this is important whether are not you have reflux, or whatever, as I believe it's part and parcel in helping to create homeostasis in the body.

Before I met my husband I recall meditating on the relationship I desired with my beloved.  I would go through each attribute that I thought was "important" -- but what I also did was feel emotionally what that would be like to be in relationship with.  Consequently, I was basically having the relationship prior to ever meeting him ... which brought me much joy and peace and allowed me to enjoy the pleasures of my life prior to him coming into my life, rather than wondering where the heck he was!  (which I did often prior to this meditation)  It also helped me to recognize him when he finally showed up!

I realized I can do this with my reflux too.  So I am now meditating on my wellness -- and how it FEELS to be in harmony with my body with no symptoms of reflux and being able to enjoy the food and wine I like.  I experience the joy and the exhilaration that this healing will bring.   I have no idea if this will actually work, but I have to say, it brings peace to my mind, body and spirit and hopefully will help facilitate healing as well.  As they say ... it couldn't hurt!

That being said, when do I have time to do this?

I ride the subway most days -- and have time to do a lot of reading then, so I thought, let's do the meditating then as well!  Since I get on the subway at near the beginning of the line, it's usually pretty empty and I can find a place to sit down and BREATHE, and get into my quiet place ...    I find it very soothing and I show up at my destination in a great space and ready to do what is necessary, having put all into perspective.  That is just great EXCEPT on those days when the mariachi's come through and stand right next to me blasting their accordion, guitars and whatever in my ear and singing even louder.  I admit it, I am not woman enough to keep the blissful calm through all of that!  Not yet, anyway!  Yep, meditating on the subway might not be the best answer.

So, I'd have to say, if you can find 15 minutes in your day where you can turn off all that could be distracting and just breathe and focus on the joy of healing and well-being -- it'll certainly help something if not your reflux, and/or something may occur to you to try to help facilitate YOUR healing.

I hope so!  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tea for two

As I've been on this journey of finding what works and what doesn't work in keeping my reflux in check, and that I committed to a low acid diet for a while to see if that did the trick (so far it has not! - bummer!) -- I looked to my warm beverage options for comfort.  I used to relish my morning cup of coffee ... even the half caf/half decaf one -- it was DELICIOUS.  The smell, the milk creating just the right color ...  My body gets all woozy and sentimental as I have the sense memory!!  But, in order to pursue what was best for my body during my quest (Why am I hearing The Impossible Dream in my head and thinking of Don Quijote?!) I gave up this delicious nectar of the gods -- and Starbucks -- and went to tea.

I got many types of tea and actually really started to enjoy it.  Black, green, red, ones with weird, hard to pronounce names, all SORTS of teas.  I even have a fancy box, like you might see at a restaurant, with an assortment of bags displayed so beautifully -- now, for the enjoyment of guests alone, at least for the time being, as these too became enemies of my esophagus -- so I gave them up for a lighter fare.

I switched to herbal teas.  I have to say, it really is funny when you go to a restaurant and ask for herbal tea ... they usually suggest a green tea.  That's not herbal -- but I don't get all smarty pants in front of them, I just ask for what else they might have.  Peppermint -- nope, can't do that ... lemon zinger ... thinking that's not gonna fly ... chamomile ... boring, but ah well, I'll give it a shot!

So I became a chamomile tea connoisseur -- well, maybe not a connoisseur, but enthusiast.  I found some really tasty ones!  I know, who knew there were some tasty ones out there??!!  So those boxes started to fill my cabinet along with any licorice or fennel teas.  (who knew I'd like fennel tea??!)  So along I went, enjoy and sharing my discoveries with friends.

Then started noticing  an "interesting" sensation for a few days and I thought, what the heck is this?  A "progression" with my reflux?  It felt like a sort of cold, "vibrating" feeling in my throat and esophagus.  I didn't wake up with this feeling but it would come on after I ate.  It didn't feel like the way I'd experienced reflux, but I didn't know what to make of it.  So ... as I was sitting with some colleagues, sipping some lovely, newly acquired joy, chamomile tea, a friend mentioned that he has to stay away from chamomile tea since he's allergic to ragweed.  He, too, is a singer.  I realized, as I looked at my lovely cup of chamomile tea that perhaps it was the culprit -- and that I too, who am allergic to ragweed, was having an allergic reaction to the tea.  Are you KIDDING me??  I have to give up friggin' chamomile tea ... and that is considered a LOSS????

Well, I'm hear to tell you, I did stop drinking it and that sensation has stopped.  SO maybe that's happening with some of you who are reading and are thinking it's your reflux acting up.  Give it a shot.

I'm now falling in love with my licorice tea!    And so it goes!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Muscle Testing

Has anyone heard of this ... muscle testing?  I believe in it's beginning stage it is referred to as "applied kinesiology".  Apparently along the way, people have found ways to "improve" on the initial discovery and have been translating what our bodies are saying to us.  I do wish my body would be more specific!  That being said, I've had this muscle testing done and find it fascinating.

What you do is lie on a table and a practitioner pushes against your arm which is perpendicular to your body and you're supposed to resist, but not "recruit" -- meaning use any other muscles except those in your arm (or leg).  The practitioner then pushes on different points on your body to see which part/s is/are needing some help.  Then she puts these different vials on you and goes through the same pressure points and pushes on your arm, to see what you're sensitive to and what your body is asking you to stay away from, etc.  From there she finds the corresponding herbal concoction that would help heal you from what your body is saying (in pill form), tests you again and then doses you.  This is a VERY simplified description of what this is all about, but it gets the point across.

It's really a fascinating science, as your body is VERY clear as to what it wants and doesn't want.  It's funny too, as you'd think the practitioner is pushing with ALL their might some times, (when your arm falls and is able to be moved) and other times like she's not pushing at all.  I asked my practitioner about this very thing and she showed me how hard she was pushing always.  WILD!

I do this in addition to acupuncture, which I have found helpful for all sorts of things, including my reflux.  Since my practitioner is also my friend, we chat during my sessions.  Undoubtedly something will come up that's really funny, but I can't laugh  as that just KILLS when the needles are in my stomach... but it's really stimulating the points, so the optimist in me tries to look at the up side.  Plus, I get a good giggle in with my pal.  That being said ... take it as a warning too ... cuz it does get a person's attention!!

I'd be curious if anyone else out there has tried these modalities and if you've had luck or not so much with them.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ramada In ... Ramada Out

Before I get started on today's topic, I want to say how very moved I am by the emails I'm getting.  Thank you for your support!  I'm also realizing what an epidemic this reflux thing has become ... what's up with that?  I'm really hoping we all can find a way to full and complete healing and living a lifestyle that supports our healing and health. Which brings me to what I want to talk about today ... BREATHING.

I've been reading SO much material on this subject of reflux and of course the mind/body consciousness/connectedness comes in to play with this as well. (I'll talk more about this in upcoming posts)  One book mentions eating slowly, really chewing your food completely, and of course, not overeating.  It also mentions sitting up straight when we eat.  Sounds obvious, but I have to admit, I don't always do that and this made me much more mindful of doing just that.  What I have found in addition to doing these two things is the importance of breath -- of taking a good, full, deep breath.

It's amazing to me how much I hold my breath -- or breathe shallowly.  I don't when I'm singing ... I CAN'T while I'm singing and still get more than a few notes out ... so this has made me aware of the importance of the most obvious function we all do all day long ... breathe.  I've found when I take a deep, full breath that opens up my entire chest and abdominal area, I not only feel calmer, I feel some relief from the reflux.  I have to believe that there's a connection between these things.  It's the release of all those muscles, particularly in my abdomen, where I'm unconsciously holding.   Looks good in pix, but might not be the best thing for the digestion!  So release and see what else you might be able to let go of as well!   Just a thought ...  and BREATHE!!

 (Please feel free to leave a comment, that way, we can ALL share in your brilliant insights and what you've tried and learned)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

To ACV or NOT to ACV -- is that the question?

There seems to be quite a controversy about ACV ... or Apple Cider Vinegar to you lay folk!  It seems counterintuitive to put acid down your throat when you're having problems with acid in your stomach ... but it's just that kind of thinking that might be keeping some people from relief!  I've tried it ... with baking soda.  At one point it only made things worse, and at another point, it seemed ok, but I didn't stick with it.  Anyone out there have a good experience with it in helping their reflux?  I'd love to hear what you did.  

That being said, I DO use just the baking soda from time to time to calm things down, it does so for a while, but doesn't really seem to keep my stomach happy for long.  I also have low blood pressure, so I'm not as concerned with the sodium intake of the baking soda.  I think I'll go make a "cocktail" of that right now, in fact ... and I'll put it in a pretty glass, so it's more fun as I force the nasty taste down my throat!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

And so it begins!

Well, here we go ... on a journey to a healthy, reflux-free life!  But how to get there ... ah, there is the rub!  I figured I wasn't the only one out there/here seeking this reflux-free life, so I thought, why not share my experiences, thoughts, whatevers regarding my process to healing and see if I could possibly help someone else on my quest as well as maybe getting insights and ideas from others who may have had success achieving this (at this point elusive) reflux-free life that I am seeking.

Some background ... I, like many I know, have been taking prescription medications for my reflux for a long time now, and just recently am realizing, those medications weren't initially intended for longterm use.  Imagine my surprise!  So I took myself off of them and am now trying to do this holistically.  Sadly, I still needed a little help, so I am taking some OTC meds to help for the time being.  My goal is to get off of them ALL!

I've heard comments such as, as long as you continue to be a singer (I'm also a singer!), you'll continue to have this problem.  I don't believe this, as there are many singers who DON'T have the problem ... so there's something that's not working as it should in my body and I want to figure out what that is and allow it to heal!

It should also be noted that I'm not overweight.  In fact, I'm a little under due to all the things I am staying away from in order to facilitate my healing!

In addition -- I am not a doctor and am not pretending to be one.  One thing I HAVE learned on this journey is that everyone's reason for having reflux is unique unto them, so no "one cure heals all" really seems to work.  It's about finding out what's going on with each one of us that we'll ultimately find the answer to the healing we're seeking.

SO -- what have I been doing.  SO many things -- but today I'll mention what I'm currently trying ... a low acid diet from a book that's been published by doctors who deal with this condition.  I'm in week 3 and am not really feeling the love!  I will admit to ordering what seemed benign steamed veggie dumplings last night that, much to my surprise, were REALLY spicy!  What?!  When are veggie dumplings spicy? (and I wasn't even at a Chinese place -- so no sichuan thing going on) Oy!  In pain from that!  So back to the plan .... and whatever else I learn along the way!