Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Awwww -- chew!

So, in my quest to figure out what is going on with my lovely body, I found myself at a very fancy Dr.'s office on Park Avenue.  I figure, I'm worth it, I'll go ahead and see what all the fuss is about and see if I can find out anything here regarding the specificities of what's the what with this reflux.  This Dr. specializes in integrative medicine -- using holistic approaches but also uses western technology, etc.  He also has been very successful in finding and treating latent allergies that folks might not be aware that they had.  He has also had great success in treating people with reflux.  So, tra la, tra la, I go through "The Park" (Central Park to those who don't live in "The City" -- NYC) to the EAST side.  (While I play East-side gals on TV, I'm a confirmed West-sider)

I find a lovely office and very nice staff there to help me out as I get stuck with all sorts of things on my back to see what food allergies I might have.  Wait 20 minutes for everything to take affect, and then it is read.  Turns out I have some ... and some odd ones as well as ones I suspected.

I'd been eating almonds and peanuts as my go-to snack during the day when I couldn't find anything else that would work with my non-reflux diet that I was trying.  Turns out I'm allergic to them ... only slightly, so nothing serious, obviously, was happening to me ... but could be aggravating the reflux.  Also -- salmon(!?), tuna (!!?), goats milk (really???) melons (which I suspected), oranges (which I never have anyway due to the acid), pepper (really hard to avoid when eating out), eggs and wheat -- well darn -- there goes any hope of cake again!  (well, maybe just for now)  Again, all these things are low on the scale (as subsequent blood work confirmed) but it was good to have a game plan that might shed a light on what the what is going on with my body.  

SO, now I'm trying to avoid all of these things, as well as the coffee, alcohol, chewing my food to an indistinguishable substance in my mouth, etc. etc. AND not lose any more weight -- and keep my brain working with some omega-3's that I'm NOT allergic to! (hello chia and flax seeds)  We shall see.  Really hopeful that this might be the key.  Hope with me!  

Anyone out there find success with getting rid of their reflux by eliminating an allergen?   Hope so!!

1 comment:

  1. Raw Honey! Reflux was horrible, tried everything. Its been about a month but a Tbsp
    every morning before coffee has been a Godsend! :)
