Friday, May 3, 2013

Bella Sicilia

Ciao!  Just returned from Italy -- Sicily to be exact, and can't use enough glowing accolades for this beautiful island.  I got to practice (USE) my Italian that I've been learning and enjoyed the beautiful sites, sounds and tastes of this beautiful place.  I'm tempted to start writing in Italian, but I'm figuring most who might read this don't speak Italian, so what would be the point of that?  I didn't ask while I was there if anyone deals with acid reflux though ... I'm thinking not so much.  They have such a different approach to life and food than we do here in America, so I'm guessing the digestive issues might not play as big a role as they do here.

Why ... well, for starters,  they eat seasonally.  They eat what the earth brings forth at different times of the year and don't tend to have the Super Duper Markets that we have here in the States that allow us all sorts of things year round.  They also eat less at a meal -- no super-sizing going on there and their "take away" meals are small and filling -- no need for "fries with that".  They also have a different way of engaging in the world ... a more laid back approach in comparison to the high paced world I live in here in NYC.  Now of course, I was there on vacation, so who knows how it really is there to live and work, but from those I know that have done just that ...  this seems to be the case.

We met family there that no one in my husband's family had ever met before and it was just an amazing experience ... one that will live with us for the rest of our lives.  I could go into details of the visit, but for the purpose of this blog, what struck me is that no one was really heavy.  There were people there of all ages, and no one was heavy.  Oh sure, a few had extra pounds ... but nothing compared to what we see here in America.  I imagine they do a lot of walking too, living in a smaller village, where shopping is likely nearby.  Their refrigerators are smaller too ... so they simply can't have as much food in the fridge like we can here in the States. They also eat their biggest meal midday.  We were treated to a delicious 5 course meal on a Sunday afternoon ... but were done by 4:00 and had the rest of the evening to digest.  They told me that having a bigger lunch is typical and dinner would consist of a salad, maybe a pasta (small portion).   Food (low acid) for thought!

I have to say, with all the traveling I did, my reflux held in check most of the time, thanks to the digestive enzymes, and added fiber I brought along with me to keep things moving, as it were!  Full disclosure;  I did have a couple of cappuccinos -- they were DELICIOUS -- and ... didn't make my stomach happy!  I brought along my trusty baking soda for such possible indiscretions, and that seemed to do the trick.

I think the deep breathing and simply slowing down helped the mind, body and spirit.  I think this is key to what is going on with my digestion.  Bringing the mind and spirit connection in to what is going on with the body seems to be crucial for me.  How 'bout with you?    

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