Sunday, July 28, 2013

Good Vibrations

I've been trying a new thing in my healing from reflux.  (This is the way I choose to look at it now ... not as I'm TRYING to heal from reflux -- but that I AM healing from reflux)  As I was meditating on my healing one day, I was reminded of what I used to do before my husband came into my life ... and that was, envision and FEEL what it would be like to be with the one with whom I wished to share my life.  I felt each feeling -- the joy of what it would be like to be with him, the laughter we'd share, and so on and so on.  I FELT it all.  I recall coming away from these meditations so at peace and feeling like I'd just spent time with my beloved, before he ever manifested in my life.  It was a glorious feeling -- and one I enjoy now with him by my side, and not only in my meditations.  It helped me recognize him when he finally showed up (took him long enough!)!   Or maybe, just maybe, it took ME long enough to figure out that what I'd been seeking wasn't what love really was, and I needed to go through those other relationships to figure that out.  (But methinks that's a different blog!)

What does all of this have to do with reflux ... well, while the desire is a different one now ... full and complete healing ... the path to getting there may be the same (along with dietary changes, etc.) -- FEELING the joy and the peace and excitement I will feel when my reflux has been finally healed and I can keep it at bay with good dietary choices and loving my body, its intelligence and its/my ability to heal.

This has been what I've been working on since last I wrote ... and I've been doing better.  As always, some days are better than others and I'm still trying to figure out what foods/stimuli cause issues, but this loving, joyful approach seems to feel "right" for me and perhaps it will help others who are dealing with this as well.  I've been reading the book Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and I've been doing the exercises in the back of the book every day.  If nothing else, it is certainly making me feel more peaceful, centered and grounded ... and thrilled for the day I will find full and complete healing.

It is about ALLOWING the healing, which means, being on the same vibration as the healing.  In other words, getting out of your own way!  Where have I heard THAT before?  Letting go of resistance and allowing the healing to manifest.  Sometimes, however, its hard to be aware of how we're resisting the healing.  Certainly it's not intentional, but there can be resistance there for many reasons.  That's part of the work to be done, seeing where the resistance is and loving it into oneness and allowing.

I feel like I could go on and on about this ... but for now ... I will leave it at this.  I do hope this will strike a note/chord/symphony in someone who's struggling and perhaps guide them to their perfect and complete healing as well!

1 comment:

  1. I LOOOOVE This!! Thank YOU for writing this and sharing it here.
