Sunday, July 28, 2013

Good Vibrations

I've been trying a new thing in my healing from reflux.  (This is the way I choose to look at it now ... not as I'm TRYING to heal from reflux -- but that I AM healing from reflux)  As I was meditating on my healing one day, I was reminded of what I used to do before my husband came into my life ... and that was, envision and FEEL what it would be like to be with the one with whom I wished to share my life.  I felt each feeling -- the joy of what it would be like to be with him, the laughter we'd share, and so on and so on.  I FELT it all.  I recall coming away from these meditations so at peace and feeling like I'd just spent time with my beloved, before he ever manifested in my life.  It was a glorious feeling -- and one I enjoy now with him by my side, and not only in my meditations.  It helped me recognize him when he finally showed up (took him long enough!)!   Or maybe, just maybe, it took ME long enough to figure out that what I'd been seeking wasn't what love really was, and I needed to go through those other relationships to figure that out.  (But methinks that's a different blog!)

What does all of this have to do with reflux ... well, while the desire is a different one now ... full and complete healing ... the path to getting there may be the same (along with dietary changes, etc.) -- FEELING the joy and the peace and excitement I will feel when my reflux has been finally healed and I can keep it at bay with good dietary choices and loving my body, its intelligence and its/my ability to heal.

This has been what I've been working on since last I wrote ... and I've been doing better.  As always, some days are better than others and I'm still trying to figure out what foods/stimuli cause issues, but this loving, joyful approach seems to feel "right" for me and perhaps it will help others who are dealing with this as well.  I've been reading the book Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and I've been doing the exercises in the back of the book every day.  If nothing else, it is certainly making me feel more peaceful, centered and grounded ... and thrilled for the day I will find full and complete healing.

It is about ALLOWING the healing, which means, being on the same vibration as the healing.  In other words, getting out of your own way!  Where have I heard THAT before?  Letting go of resistance and allowing the healing to manifest.  Sometimes, however, its hard to be aware of how we're resisting the healing.  Certainly it's not intentional, but there can be resistance there for many reasons.  That's part of the work to be done, seeing where the resistance is and loving it into oneness and allowing.

I feel like I could go on and on about this ... but for now ... I will leave it at this.  I do hope this will strike a note/chord/symphony in someone who's struggling and perhaps guide them to their perfect and complete healing as well!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Awwww -- chew!

So, in my quest to figure out what is going on with my lovely body, I found myself at a very fancy Dr.'s office on Park Avenue.  I figure, I'm worth it, I'll go ahead and see what all the fuss is about and see if I can find out anything here regarding the specificities of what's the what with this reflux.  This Dr. specializes in integrative medicine -- using holistic approaches but also uses western technology, etc.  He also has been very successful in finding and treating latent allergies that folks might not be aware that they had.  He has also had great success in treating people with reflux.  So, tra la, tra la, I go through "The Park" (Central Park to those who don't live in "The City" -- NYC) to the EAST side.  (While I play East-side gals on TV, I'm a confirmed West-sider)

I find a lovely office and very nice staff there to help me out as I get stuck with all sorts of things on my back to see what food allergies I might have.  Wait 20 minutes for everything to take affect, and then it is read.  Turns out I have some ... and some odd ones as well as ones I suspected.

I'd been eating almonds and peanuts as my go-to snack during the day when I couldn't find anything else that would work with my non-reflux diet that I was trying.  Turns out I'm allergic to them ... only slightly, so nothing serious, obviously, was happening to me ... but could be aggravating the reflux.  Also -- salmon(!?), tuna (!!?), goats milk (really???) melons (which I suspected), oranges (which I never have anyway due to the acid), pepper (really hard to avoid when eating out), eggs and wheat -- well darn -- there goes any hope of cake again!  (well, maybe just for now)  Again, all these things are low on the scale (as subsequent blood work confirmed) but it was good to have a game plan that might shed a light on what the what is going on with my body.  

SO, now I'm trying to avoid all of these things, as well as the coffee, alcohol, chewing my food to an indistinguishable substance in my mouth, etc. etc. AND not lose any more weight -- and keep my brain working with some omega-3's that I'm NOT allergic to! (hello chia and flax seeds)  We shall see.  Really hopeful that this might be the key.  Hope with me!  

Anyone out there find success with getting rid of their reflux by eliminating an allergen?   Hope so!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bella Sicilia

Ciao!  Just returned from Italy -- Sicily to be exact, and can't use enough glowing accolades for this beautiful island.  I got to practice (USE) my Italian that I've been learning and enjoyed the beautiful sites, sounds and tastes of this beautiful place.  I'm tempted to start writing in Italian, but I'm figuring most who might read this don't speak Italian, so what would be the point of that?  I didn't ask while I was there if anyone deals with acid reflux though ... I'm thinking not so much.  They have such a different approach to life and food than we do here in America, so I'm guessing the digestive issues might not play as big a role as they do here.

Why ... well, for starters,  they eat seasonally.  They eat what the earth brings forth at different times of the year and don't tend to have the Super Duper Markets that we have here in the States that allow us all sorts of things year round.  They also eat less at a meal -- no super-sizing going on there and their "take away" meals are small and filling -- no need for "fries with that".  They also have a different way of engaging in the world ... a more laid back approach in comparison to the high paced world I live in here in NYC.  Now of course, I was there on vacation, so who knows how it really is there to live and work, but from those I know that have done just that ...  this seems to be the case.

We met family there that no one in my husband's family had ever met before and it was just an amazing experience ... one that will live with us for the rest of our lives.  I could go into details of the visit, but for the purpose of this blog, what struck me is that no one was really heavy.  There were people there of all ages, and no one was heavy.  Oh sure, a few had extra pounds ... but nothing compared to what we see here in America.  I imagine they do a lot of walking too, living in a smaller village, where shopping is likely nearby.  Their refrigerators are smaller too ... so they simply can't have as much food in the fridge like we can here in the States. They also eat their biggest meal midday.  We were treated to a delicious 5 course meal on a Sunday afternoon ... but were done by 4:00 and had the rest of the evening to digest.  They told me that having a bigger lunch is typical and dinner would consist of a salad, maybe a pasta (small portion).   Food (low acid) for thought!

I have to say, with all the traveling I did, my reflux held in check most of the time, thanks to the digestive enzymes, and added fiber I brought along with me to keep things moving, as it were!  Full disclosure;  I did have a couple of cappuccinos -- they were DELICIOUS -- and ... didn't make my stomach happy!  I brought along my trusty baking soda for such possible indiscretions, and that seemed to do the trick.

I think the deep breathing and simply slowing down helped the mind, body and spirit.  I think this is key to what is going on with my digestion.  Bringing the mind and spirit connection in to what is going on with the body seems to be crucial for me.  How 'bout with you?    

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Aloe ... anyone there?

Ok, that was a little weak, I know ... "aloe ... anyone there" "Hallo -- or Hello... blah blah blah... "  As a wise man once said (my husband) ... they're not funny if you have to explain them!  So, aloe vera juice ... what's up with aloe vera juice?  Ok, now I feel like I'm sounding like Jerry Seinfeld!   But seriously, I'm curious to hear if anyone out there has had any luck treating their reflux with aloe vera juice.  

It also seems like the brand is important.  I've tried a few different brands.  One was an aloe vera gel ... and let me just tell you how nasty that tasted!  (pretty nasty) I'd read a testimonial from someone online who swore aloe vera gel was the answer to healing their reflux.  I'll try it!  And I did!  Yuck ... and sadly, didn't heal the reflux.   I also learned during that time, that while aloe vera juice can be a bit gelatinous on it's own, stuff is added to the "gel" to make it more "gel-like"  -- why someone would want that, I can't begin to tell you. BUT I've read so much about the health benefits of aloe vera juice for digestion, so I've tried other forms/brands.  One brand that seemed like water, but went down smoothly and the label says it actually IS aloe vera juice and not just a bunch of water.  Another tasted kind of citrusy -- so it felt like it was exacerbating the problem.  Not sure that it did, but it didn't feel great going down.  Really curious to hear if anyone has had great luck with this and if so, what was the brand??  I'll share if you share!

All this being said, it seems clear there is no magic potion ... although I do wish there was!  One must do the due diligence and find out what's going on with one's body that's creating the situation.   This being said, I'm feeling like I'm finding things that are working and may be the secret to what my body has been trying to tell me through the reflux.  It's fascinating ... and hopefully, successful!  I'll keep you posted!    

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Well, I've been trying the digestive enzymes along with my low acid diet.  Even went off the OTC meds to see where I was.  Did well for a few days and was really impressed with Acid Soothe.  It did well if I remembered to take it right after a meal, but if I didn't ... not so great.  So today I tried the ACV thing again ... and daggone it, I guess I'm just not ready for it, or something, cuz I'm not doing great with it.  This is really a perfect illustration of how different we all are and that our bodies need different things to kick this reflux issue.  I believe I can ... but I'm not there  .... YET.  I'll go back to not doing the ACV for the time being ... but I'm sure many have found great help and healing using it.  Everything I've read about it seems to make it great for almost anything that ails you!

So back to the quest.

Next up on the block ... aloe vera juice ... some swear by it ... do you?  Tell me about it and which brand you use!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Digestive Enzymes ... what?

Prior to dealing with my reflux issue, I'd never heard of "digestive enzymes".  Apparently these are enzymes one produces while digesting food.  One can also take digestive enzymes when they need to help the body assimilate and digest the food we take in, working on the theory that one of the main causes of reflux is that our food is sitting around too long and not digesting properly and consequently refluxing up into the esophagus.  Gross, right?  But that's one of the reasons reflux happens and digestive enzymes are there to help with this issue.

I've been reading many different sites and testimonials about different enzymes and how they helped someone so that they can eat what they like and don't have to worry about reflux again.  Sign me up!  That's what I'm going for.  The quest though, is what is exactly right for MY or YOUR body.  What's going on with each of us, and why we have reflux is very particular to each person, so that's why there are many different ways of approaching a cure.

To be sure, trying a low acid diet is the first place to start -- which means, no caffeine, alcohol, citrus, chocolate, fried foods, soda, spicy food and mint.  Also, it's important to keep high fat foods out of the equation as well.  I've been doing this diet for 5 weeks now, and haven't really seen a huge improvement ... but I don't doubt that it is a good way to eat to help our bodies not produce the extra acid and resulting reflux.   If this diet by itself doesn't help, perhaps digestive enzymes, might be the way to go for you (in addition to the low acid diet).  This is why I'm on the search for the formulation that works best for what's going on with my body.

I've read how papaya enzymes helped many people, chewed up prior to a meal, voila ... done with reflux, same with ACV, same with other particular brands of digestive enzymes and probiotics.  There's a lot of information about all these different forms of digestion helpers out there to help our bodies work more efficiently.  So which ones will be the trick for you?  I really have no idea ... but what I do know, is that we have to keep trying different treatments to see what will work for our individual bodies --  Always listening to our bodies to see what it's liking and what it's not.

Hmmm ... is this what the whole reflux thing is about?  Our neglected bodies asking to be heard?  Perhaps.  I'm listening ... are you?

We'll be revisiting this subject as I do my experiments ... please feel free to share yours too!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Think System

 While I know I will be waxing poetic about digestive enzymes in my next blog -- (who knew digestive enzymes could be poetic??)   -- but today I want to go back to the mind/body connection.  I feel very strongly that this is important whether are not you have reflux, or whatever, as I believe it's part and parcel in helping to create homeostasis in the body.

Before I met my husband I recall meditating on the relationship I desired with my beloved.  I would go through each attribute that I thought was "important" -- but what I also did was feel emotionally what that would be like to be in relationship with.  Consequently, I was basically having the relationship prior to ever meeting him ... which brought me much joy and peace and allowed me to enjoy the pleasures of my life prior to him coming into my life, rather than wondering where the heck he was!  (which I did often prior to this meditation)  It also helped me to recognize him when he finally showed up!

I realized I can do this with my reflux too.  So I am now meditating on my wellness -- and how it FEELS to be in harmony with my body with no symptoms of reflux and being able to enjoy the food and wine I like.  I experience the joy and the exhilaration that this healing will bring.   I have no idea if this will actually work, but I have to say, it brings peace to my mind, body and spirit and hopefully will help facilitate healing as well.  As they say ... it couldn't hurt!

That being said, when do I have time to do this?

I ride the subway most days -- and have time to do a lot of reading then, so I thought, let's do the meditating then as well!  Since I get on the subway at near the beginning of the line, it's usually pretty empty and I can find a place to sit down and BREATHE, and get into my quiet place ...    I find it very soothing and I show up at my destination in a great space and ready to do what is necessary, having put all into perspective.  That is just great EXCEPT on those days when the mariachi's come through and stand right next to me blasting their accordion, guitars and whatever in my ear and singing even louder.  I admit it, I am not woman enough to keep the blissful calm through all of that!  Not yet, anyway!  Yep, meditating on the subway might not be the best answer.

So, I'd have to say, if you can find 15 minutes in your day where you can turn off all that could be distracting and just breathe and focus on the joy of healing and well-being -- it'll certainly help something if not your reflux, and/or something may occur to you to try to help facilitate YOUR healing.

I hope so!